Havre de Grace Addiction Treatment Center Recognizes Industry Leaders

Addiction Treatment Center in Havre de Grace Recognizes Industry Leaders
Boardwalk in Havre de Grace, Maryland

Next week, representatives of an addiction treatment center located in Havre de Grace, Maryland will be awarding the professionals who have demonstrated to be leaders in the field of substance use disorders in the country during the National Conference on Alcohol and Addiction Disorders.

The annual conference welcomes a number addiction treatment specialists as well as behavioral healthcare providers who get to work together to improve communities while outlining routes to successful practices of care.

The center, Ashley Addiction Treatment, started providing evidence-based addiction treatment 35 years ago.

The addiction treatment center offers programs that integrate a full spectrum of holistic medical treatment methods, which have assisted approximately 40,000 people. Community outreach, outpatient programs, family and children’s education as well as other special programs are offered by the facility.

Every year, Ashley Addiction Treatment honors two professionals that have had the ability to deeply impact the lives of those struggling with substance use disorders.

Faith Strong, a California-based professional will be receiving one of the awards — named the Father Joseph Martin Professional Excellence Award — for an outstanding philanthropic career and for donating over $8 million to help women fight substance use disorders.

The person who will be receiving the second award — dubbed the Ashley Addiction Treatment Innovator Award — is Marvin Ventrell, who has been an educator, a lawyer, an association director, and addiction treatment executive for three decades and is currently working as the director of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers.

The award is going to be given to him due to the impact that he has had on the field of recovery through innovative work and progressive thinking.

Rebecca Flood, the CEO and President of the center, will award the winners at the National Conference on Alcohol and Addiction Disorders.

She emphasized that the two professionals selected to be awarded have worked extremely hard to remove the stigma associated with substance use disorders while also dedicating their careers to different communities of people who need help while promoting developments and expansions in the area if addiction treatment.

She will also be a part of a discussion panel regarding ways to battle the media’s negative depictions of addiction treatment and sobriety.

The award ceremony and discussion panel will be held in Anaheim as a part of the conference that runs from August 19 to August 21.

Next year’s event is expected to be held in Havre de Grace at the Ashley Addiction Treatment Center.

Havre de Grace Addiction Treatment Center Recognizes Industry Leaders
Article Name
Havre de Grace Addiction Treatment Center Recognizes Industry Leaders
Next week, representatives of an addiction treatment center located in Havre de Grace, Maryland will be awarding the professionals who have demonstrated to be leaders in the field of substance use disorders in the country during the National Conference on Alcohol and Addiction Disorders.
Livia Areas-Holmblad
Publisher Name
Addiction Now