Drug Treatment Centers in Modesto Need Additional Services

dispensed is the fact that doctor shopping has been a growing problem in the country.

With more cases of opioid use disorders among residents, California remains one of the few states with limited drug treatment centers that offer MAT. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s facility locator, there are 16 treatment locations within a 5-mile radius of Modesto. Only two drug treatment centers in Modesto utilize methadone; due to the long wait lists to receive treatment, a majority of patients travel to Merced or Stockton to get daily methadone doses. While 14 physicians in the area are licensed to prescribe buprenorphine or naltrexone, there are no specific addiction treatment centers that offer these MAT options.

Part of the problem in expanding addiction treatment services comes down to limited funding and support from city and county government. Officials looking to open additional clinics would most likely have to rely on federal or state programs to expand addiction treatment services, said Aegis Treatment Centers CEO Alex Dodd, who has a treatment center in Modesto and is trying to open another one.

The California Department of Health Care Services is working on expanding drug treatment centers and MAT services in across the state through the Hub & Spoke System.

Drug Treatment Centers in Modesto Need Additional Services
Article Name
Drug Treatment Centers in Modesto Need Additional Services
Government officials want to expand drug treatment centers that offer medication-assisted treatment services for residents of Modesto.
Sean Woodard
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Addiction Now