Kalamazoo Opioid Addiction Treatment Targeted by New Study

currently happening and the researchers expect it to be concluded by the end of the summer.

They have stated that they will select a total of 400 individuals to be included in the study — half of the participants will be people who struggle with chronic pain while the other half will be people who have a substance use disorder.

The researchers added that they expect the data analysis to be finalized sometime in the fall.

Langerveld stated that she believes this research is an initial move toward expanding precision medicine into clinical practices for opioid addiction treatment and recovery.

She added that there are ongoing discussions about following up the work with healthcare providers that have been focusing on supporting high-risk populations in Michigan and surrounding regions.

“The next step would be to expand the study,” Langerveld concluded.

Kalamazoo Opioid Addiction Treatment Targeted by New Study
Article Name
Kalamazoo Opioid Addiction Treatment Targeted by New Study
Livia Areas-Holmblad
Publisher Name
Addiction Now