The key elements of denial (Part 1 of 4)


Denial is one of the most common symptoms of addiction. It comes in many forms and is often a coping mechanism for an addict that wants to shy away from confronting difficult issues.

We recently spoke to Adam Armstrong, a group facilitator and case manager about the topic of denial. Armstrong has been working with people struggling with addiction for eight years and focuses on developing programs to help struggling addicts.

This is part-one of our four-part series on denial. In this first clip, Armstrong discussed the key elements of denial.

“Denial is one of those things that we all commonly use,” he said. “Most of the time it protects us from… (continue reading)

Denial & Addiction (1 of 4)
Denial & Addiction (1 of 4)

Part one of our four-part series on denial features an interview with group facilitator and case manager Adam Armstrong, who discussed the key elements of denial.